Our Promise to Update Training Products Regularly

At Networks Reimagined, we like to think of our products as not just training but also reference guides. It makes sense that a video training product should be short and sweet. However, your job may become difficult if you have to implement some design or feature and there is no training or walkthrough anywhere on your topic of interest.

Our expectation is that our training products will be the best out there when it comes to data center SDN. We also expect that our training will be comprehensive, authoritative, and complete. But no product is all those things when it is first introduced. That is why we will be listening to you and trying to understand how we can improve

For starters, if there is a feature that you think should have been covered in a course, let us know. There is a strong chance that we can create videos on your topic of interest and add them to the course retroactively.

If you find that something hasn't been covered in the depth warranted, we also want to know. There will be opportunities for us to re-record things as part of periodic course refreshes.

Additionally, if you have purchased a product-oriented course and a newer software version for the product has become available, this does not necessarily mean that we will not add features relevant to the new software version to your course. 

And, even when we do have to create an entirely new course due to the sheer number of changes brought about by a new software update, we can often still come up with deep discounts for those of you who had purchased prior relevant training.

So please speak up, and you will be heard. We want each and every one of our customers to be satisfied and receive value from our products.

Our online community platform is the best place for you to share your thoughts and let us know how we can improve, but if you have not purchased a product that offers community access, you can still contact us through our Contact Us form.